Sunday, October 28, 2012


I have not abandoned my experiment. I am still convinced of the necessity of it. I am just not doing well with life's curve balls. Our car broke down in a small mountain town in Mexico nearly four hours away from where we live. We had to leave the car with the mechanic because it we couldn't drive it at all (it literally turned off on the way down the mountain and refused to turn back on). So I have been without a car for nearly 2 weeks. I live in the forest at the top of a large hill. At the bottom of the hill is a gas station with a convenience store. There have been several times that I have been reduced to shopping at that little convenience store. I was doing pretty good trying to buy at least the small amount of meat/egg/dairy products they had and avoiding grains. But because it was kind of "wierd" food I bought bread for the children for sandwiches. The other night, we ran out of gas. I couldn't cook the chorizo and eggs I had planned on. But this pregnant lady isn't about to fast all night. I ate an apple/cheese sandwich with processed mayo on wonderbread. And then last night, when we were coming home late from a party (in a borrowed car), we got pizza. I didn't have gas to cook with yet since the gas company hadn't come out to fix the gas leak, and we were desperately hungry. Could I have done things differentlly? I think at least in the case of the pizza, I probably could have gone through Carl's Jr. for a low-carb burger even though I would have spent more money overall and it was out of my way.  The night with the cheese and apple sandwiches...maybe I should have skipped the bread. I need to be tougher. I need to be REALLY committed. I need help! Here is a picture of my husband and I at the party we were at the other day. I hate to post it. I just don't look like me (or at least the me I'd like to be). But this is an experiment. Will I be happier with the next picture I post? Will I be happier when I post a picture at 9 months than I am with this one at 6 months? Just a note to anyone who might read this that is expecting their first, not only did I start a bit overweight, but this is my 6th pregnancy and despite having fairly strong abs before pregnancy (no mummy tummy), the bump was noticeable VERY early.

Friday, October 19, 2012

An Inspiration!

I am so inspired to continue my Primal journey by this awesome lady (pictured above) and her family. I just read her amazing story on Mark's Daily Apple. Hopefully she won't mind me linking back to it and posting this picture.Thanks Nikki for sharing! Her story really resonated with me as I am newly 30 and am motivated mostly by my desire to eliminate anxiety and depression from my life. Go check it out if you haven't read it already. If you are visiting my blog because I posted a comment to Nikki's story, please leave me a kind word because I really need it. Friends and family think I am nuts for embarking on my Primal experiment (I am living in Mexico right now and sugar, grains, and legumes are staples). For now, luckily, I am blessed with conviction and a strong will to make a change. But I could use some friends to encourage me!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Where I Stand

I wish I had had the will-power to eat "primally" in the first trimester. I wanted to make a switch, and was actually oscillating between primal and the Standard American Diet (SAD), before getting pregnant. My initial motivation for a change to a Primal diet was the following:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Things are Out of Whack

I am pregnant with my SIXTH child. I still can't believe it! Every one of them is such a blessing. But when I say the number, I realize, we have a big family now! Six! I am 30 years old, not exactly a youngin' but still young. I am determined to live out my 30's as a healthy vibrant woman who is present and happy and there for her children. I want to be someone who is living life not letting life happen. I want my family (husband, children, and friends) to see me as someone who realizes the great joy that life is, and I want them to know how very much I love living it with them.  I firmly believe that all of that starts with a healthy lifestyle--both spiritual and physical.  For me, the physical side of that, I think, is best attained by following a "primal" lifestyle.

But right now...things are all out of whack. I am "out of whack."

It is time to make a change. I am embarking on my own Primal Experiment and I am switching to a "Primal" lifestyle mid-pregnancy!  Stay tuned for more on where I stand and why I am making this change to a primal diet and exercise program. For more on what I mean when I say "Primal" see this site.